Why Competition Can Be A Great Thing For Millennials At Work
Forbes is an American Business magazine, which features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. David Mitroff, Ph.D., was featured on an article, speaking on why competition can be an advantage for Millennials at work.
“At its best, competition is a fun way to help people better understand their roles and how to excel in them. Workplaces with competition in their culture set clear parameters and guidelines for success. “By setting the tone for comparisons and healthy competition among my employees, I am promoting self-refection and motivating employees which leads to increased productivity and better results for the business,” says David Mitroff, Ph.D., head of Piedmont Avenue Consulting.”
The article states the following key points about why millennials love competition:
- Replacement for feedback.
- Intentionally build a competitive culture.
- Worth the investment.
- Hire for the culture.
David Mitroff, Ph.D. is a business growth strategist, international keynote speaker, and author who founded Piedmont Avenue Consulting, Inc. (PiedmontAve.com), that creates brand awareness, strengthens customer loyalty and streamlines business processes. David and his team advise clients on leveraging technology for creative initiatives from strategy through implementation.
Taking action, no matter how small, is the key to success
David inspires individuals and organizations to think differently through his keynote talks on a wide range of topics including Business & Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Branding Management and Innovation.
His vision of helping leaders and entrepreneurs to understand how to create successful business that stand out and thrive, how to grow your online presence, and how to develop marketing strategies that result in a better-positioned brand; has made him a sought-after business consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area, in California.
He has been a featured media expert for NBC, ABC, Inc. Magazine, Washington Post, The Meeting Professional, Hospitality Technology, California Lawyer, and more.