AT&T Women Conference
Topic: Maximizing your Professional Profile Connections
Date: Wednesday October 21st from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Location: Crow Canyon Country Club, Danville, CA
Kelly Decker, President of Decker Communications “Communicate to Influence”
David Mitroff – Maximizing your Professional Profile Connections
Nadia Morris, AT&T Foundry – Drones and AT&T? What’s the Connection
Women of AT&T Bay Area is a non- profit 501c3 organization of AT&T employees and retirees focused on Personal and Professional Development, and effecting change in their community. They provide an avenue to develop and demonstrate leadership skills through Board and Committee leadership roles, inspirational and educational seminars and workshops for continuous growth, advancement, and networking, and mentoring with Executives and peers. Additionally, their mission also involves promoting awareness of AT&T in the community through active involvement in community-related activities, supporting corporate goals and programs, while enhancing members’ effectiveness as employees by the exchange of ideas and information about AT&T, its subsidiaries, the telecommunications industry and general business issues as well as addressing the needs of women in business and women in society at-large. During this conference event, David Mitroff, Ph.D., spoke on the important of networking and how to approach it. His presentation, Maximizing your Professional Profile Connection, focuses on practices about growing a network and optimizing your contacts.